Sunday 8 June 2014

Shamanic Chocolate Ceremony

Sunday 20.00 @ Dome by Marquee 
Gerri shares her unique brand of magic in a delightful, effective gift of passion & joy. Having trained consistently in the healing arts, and working with hundreds of people, over a 13 year span, her purpose is connecting others with their life and soul purpose.
As they connect more with the path their soul is calling them to take, they naturally make way for more of their inner magic. Focussed on creating real world end results, Gerri’s passion is guiding others to better lives serving all levels of their being and the world.

Shamanic Chocolate Ceremony - Dance Camp 2014 
The Medicine for the Gods… & Goddesses
Join us in ceremony, continuing the Ancient traditions of the Mayans & Aztecs who used chocolate for spiritual purposes.

“An Indigenous myth says that whenever the balance between humans & nature becomes threatened, Cacao comes from the rainforest to open people's hearts & return the planet to a state of harmony.”

We will raise the mists of old beliefs & assumptions, allowing more light and love into our lives; creating ripples of light and love reaching all ends of the earth.
The Cacao Spirit was one of the most revered of the ancient Mayan Deities. They called Cacao ‘The water that runs through the Heart’. They understood that it opened the heart and allowed for a greater love-based connection, allowing the clearing of psychological, emotional, and spiritual pain and emotional ‘densities’ to be released from the body and healed.

Cacao is ‘The Food for the Shift’. Testimonials here …

Saturday 31 May 2014

Lif Jacobs, Reconnective Dance

Reconnective Dance teacher Lif Jacobs

.Reconnective dance is the reconnection with your true self,a dance from Being!Lif Jacobs,10 years experience as a dance teacher,trained in free expressive forms,5rythmsdance(danced with Gabrielle Roth USA,Andrea Juhan USA,Sue Richards UK,and more...)African dance and dance tecniques from classical and modern dance and jazz.Reconn
ective practitioner.Over 20 years experience in spiritual development.

Life is constantly flowing and dancing in all its purity and beauty.
Will you join this Reconnective Dance?
It is pervasive,intense,dynamic and wild.It takes you into the pulsation of your body,into your strength and authenticity.
We dance and move to various musical rythms and styles,from rest to action,subdued to fiery and quiet to swinging.
You move in a natural way,following your own feelings and possibilities.
Reconnective Dance brings you to your true Living nature,where thoughts come to rest,and the dance takes you along.
Vitality and presence in the here and now!Be welcome!

Informacion sobre nuestro profesora de Danza Reconectiva Lif Jacobs....Un taller de la danza libre y el movimiento intuitivo a ritmos basicos.Lo llevas en tu esencia.La musica es clasica,contemporanea y de diversas culturas-espanola,portuguesa,albanesa,celta,africana,australia,baltica y escandinava.
Danza Reconectiva es la reconexion con tu origen,tu esencia.Una danza que te hace ser tu mismo!
Monitora:Lif Jacoba,10 anos de experiencia como profesora de danza,experta en las formas libres de danza expresiva,danza5ritmos(he sido alumna de Gabrielle Roth,Andrea Juhan de los Estados Unidos y tambien de Sue Richards de Inglaterra entre otros),danza africana y tecnicas de la danza clasica y moderna y el jazz.Practicante Reconectiva.Mas de 20 anos de experiencia en el desarollo espiritual.

La vida esta fluyendo constantamente y danzando en todo su pureza y belleza.
Vas a unirte a esta danza Reconectiva?Es magica,intensa,dinamica y salvaje.Lo llevas en las pulsaciones de tu cuerpo,en tu fuerza y autenticidad.
Danzamos y nos movemos a diferentes ritmos y estilos musicales,desde el reposo a la acion,desde el moderado al pasional y desde la tranquillidad al movimiento.
Te muevas de una manera natural,a raiz de tus propios sentimientos y posibilidades.
Danza Reconectiva que llevas a tu verdadera naturaleza de Ser,donde los pensamientos vienen a descansar,y te dejas llevar por la danza.La vitalidad y el presente,Aqui y ahora!Sean bienvenidos!


There will be a trapeze and silks performance on Friday evening from members of the Molino Aerial Group.
ALL WELCOME to come and try some aerial skills at the camp. I will be teaching trapeze, silks and loop workshops for both adults and children. No experience necessary, just a degree of flexibility and a sense of determination! Please see the notice board for times.
Siobhan P graduated in Drama from Manchester University and Circus in Performance at Green Top, Sheffield. She has performed as a physical theatre actor and taught physically expressive theatre for many years. Aerially, she has worked with CirqueIdyllic, Syrcus Circus, NoFitState ,The Lux Collective and most recently Airetiko. She teaches aerial classes for all age groups locally and teaches trapeze at English festivals in the summers with Airetiko.

Monday 26 May 2014


Ashanti Harris, Romany Dear, Julia Scott and Joshua Duncan

Jah Robics is a high energy aerobics inspired workout session that takes influence from West african and dance hall styles, the class is aimed at anyone and everyone who wants to bend their knees, jump up and down, wind there batty and break a mighty sweat!!! Josh Duncan will be accompanying the class with his positive tunes.... wear your shorts folks cos it’s gonna get...... HOT!!! HOT!!! HOT!!!
Jah Robics is a rootical workout inna da live dub session… big tunes played by Joshua! AKA..Spiritual Fingers…. dance led by Ashanti, Julia and Romany!!!

Saturday 24 May 2014

Dancing Inside Out

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Dancing Inside Out has been developing since 1998 & was founded by Rebecca Faro & Fiona Primarola, a dance facilitator & art therapist.Over the last decade a lively curiosity has led Dancing Inside Out to explore a wide range of themes in movement and dance, art & creative writing in groups. Creating & developing an ever deepening practice in body wisdom, offering a diverse range of weekend and week-long courses in the UK and Spain.
Rebecca Faro Rebecca is a dancer, a poet, a performer and a movement facilitator of twenty five years experience, who is passionate about her work. She has a subtle, supportive and compassionate way of leading, creating a safe environment for group members to explore their inner wisdom. She believes we all possess a well of creativity that can help heal our lives... 'Don't wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain!'

Fiona Primorola Fiona studied for a BA(hons) in art at Howard Gardens, Cardiff and is a qualified art therapist who worked in the UK during the 1980's before moving to Spain where she has lived ever since. She runs Freedom to Move dance/movement sessions and is developing environmental art groups in the Alpujarra.

'Reb and Fi's dance courses are superb. They have really helped me move forwards in my life when I have felt stuck. Their unique and gentle way of working really helped move through barriers in life. They have helped renew my creativity and have brought a fresh perspective on life. I always come away feeling confident and able.'
Caroline McGlone: Artist, writer and singer.

We will be running a workshop called 'Listening Wind' exploring how movement & art in the natural environment can be an inspiration for creative expression & performance .Website- click Here
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MentalDanse, Gladis Sierra

Trabajo de Inteligencia Emocional a través de la Danza
La música y el movimiento conectan el cuerpo y la mente, comunicamos con nuestro cuerpo,
interpretando y expresando el tipo de ritmo que escuchamos, creando un ambiente lúdico y divertido.
Está comprobado científicamente que danzar genera numerosos beneficios físicos y mentales en las personas.
-Eliminar el stress y aumentar el autoestima.
-Encontrar y desarrollar nuestra armonía interior a través del baile.
-Fomentar valores en grupo.
-Conocer nuestro cuerpo, aumentar el placer y bienestar mejorando la comunicación.
-Estimular el desarrollo de las habilidades motoras.
-Aprender distintos tipos de danzas.
-Mejorar el estado físico, combatiendo la obesidad y malos hábitos.
-superar el miedo escénico.
Dirigido a:
- A empresarios y las empresas que deseen innovar en nueva técnicas de comunicación para sus empleados.
-A todas las personas sin límite de edad que deseen explorar a través de la música y la danza,
-A Talleres que realicen terapias alternativas.Displaying la foto(1).JPG

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